Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Server 2012

Shortly before the release of Windows 8, Microsoft released a new and revolutionary version of their flagship server operating system, Server 2012. Not only does Server2012 have performance and feature upgrades, it has a radically new user interface.

Server 2012 shares the Start screen with Windows 8. Much like what users are experiencing with Window 8, there is a learning curve involved with Server 2012. While developing Server 2012, Microsoft took suggestions to make a server run faster. They did that by reducing the GUI (Graphical User Interface) and including more command driven management. The administrator has a choice to install the GUI or the Server Core which removes the GUI. This is a great feature for datacenter type environments where a server can be managed remotely instead of the administrator needing to be directly in front of the server.

Much of the advantages of this new server system come from its ability to implement virtualization much more effectively than previous versions. Virtualization setup and control over remote work groups is far more effective than any other server operating system out there.

As with any technology and software, Server 2012 has its advantages and disadvantages. Upgrades are inevitable because hardware will age and will need replacement. At some point businesses will start to migrate to the new Server 2012 operating system and whether that happens today or tomorrow, TechFarmer is ready to move your business into the future!

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